A Comprehensive Guide to the Insolvency Professional Examination  
Seventh Edition
Author(s): Dr. Rajeev Babel
Published by Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789356407480
Pages: 1904




ISBN: 9789356409187   Price: INR 3900.00   


- More than 5500 MCQs with Answers and Reference covering the entire Syllabus as prescribed by the IBBI with effect from 1st July, 2023.

- The Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016, its Rules, Regulations and Circulars, The Companies Act, Partnership Act & LLP.

- General Laws including, Code of Civil Procedure, Prevention of Corruption Act, Prevention of Money Laundering, SARFAESI, RDB, MSME, RERA, SCRA, SEBI Regulations and PF & Misc Provisions Act.

- General Awareness including Constitution of India, Rights of Workmen under new Labour Welfare Codes, Valuation Concepts.

- Cases decided by the Supreme Court, High Courts, NCLAT and NCLT covering facts of the case, issue involved and decision given by courts, as per the syllabus.

- Contains separate chapters with case analysis of CIRP/PPIRP/Individual Insolvency Resolution.



- More than 5500 MCQs with Answers and Reference covering the entire Syllabus as prescribed by the IBBI with effect from 1st July, 2023.

- The Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016, its Rules, Regulations and Circulars, The Companies Act, Partnership Act & LLP.

- General Laws including, Code of Civil Procedure, Prevention of Corruption Act, Prevention of Money Laundering, SARFAESI, RDB, MSME, RERA, SCRA, SEBI Regulations and PF & Misc Provisions Act.

- General Awareness including Constitution of India, Rights of Workmen under new Labour Welfare Codes, Valuation Concepts.

- Cases decided by the Supreme Court, High Courts, NCLAT and NCLT covering facts of the case, issue involved and decision given by courts, as per the syllabus.

- Contains separate chapters with case analysis of CIRP/PPIRP/Individual Insolvency Resolution.

Table of contents
About the author   v
Preface to the 7th Edition   vii
Table of contents   xiii
Syllabus and Weightage   xxxi
Abbreviations used in this book   xxxix
Forms at a glance   xliii
FAQs on Limited Insolvency Examination   lix
SECTION I: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Chapter 1 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016   1.1
SECTION II: IBBI-Rules, Regulations and Circulars
Chapter 2 IBBI Rules   2.1
Chapter 3 IBBI Regulations   3.1
Chapter 4 MCQs based on decisions awarded by SC, HC and NCLAT   4.1
SECTION III: The Companies Act, 2013, The Partnership Act, 1932 and The Limited Liability Partnership Act,   2008
Chapter 5 The Companies Act, 2013   5.1
Chapter 6 The Indian Partnership Act, 1932   6.1
Chapter 7 The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008   7.1
SECTION IV: Other Laws
Chapter 8 The Indian Contract Act, 1872 (Sections 1 to 75 and 124 to 238)   8.1
Chapter 9 The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Act No. 26 of 1881)   9.1
Chapter 10 The Sale of Goods Act, 1930   10.1
Chapter 11 The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Sections 1 to 137)   11.1
Chapter 12 The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908   12.1
Chapter 13 The Limitation Act, 1963   13.1
Chapter 14 Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988   14.1
Chapter 15 The Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002   15.1
Chapter 16 The Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act, 1993   16.1
Chapter 17 The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996   17.1
Chapter 18 The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interests Act, 2002 (SARFAESI) (Section 1 to 42)   18.1
Chapter 19 The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (Act 27 of 2006)   19.1
Chapter 20 The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016   20.1
Chapter 21 Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956   21.1
Chapter 22 SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018   22.1
Chapter 23 SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2021   23.1
Chapter 24 SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011   24.1
Chapter 25 SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015   25.1
Chapter 26 The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952   26.1
SECTION V: Finance and Accounts (Corporate Finance, Financial Analysis, Liquidity Management, Tax Planning and GST)
Chapter 27 Corporate Finance and Liquidity Management   27.1
Chapter 28 Financial Analysis   28.1
Chapter 29 Tax Planning   29.1
Chapter 30 Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017   30.1
SECTION VI: General Awareness
Chapter 31 Constitution of India   31.1
Chapter 32 Rights of Workmen under Labour Laws   32.1
Chapter 33 Basic Principles of Economics   33.1
Chapter 34 Financial Markets   34.1
Chapter 35 Basic Principles of Valuation   35.1
Chapter 36 Forensic Audit   36.1
SECTION VII: Case Laws based on important decisions of various courts
Chapter 37 Summary of Hon’ble Supreme Court cases   37.1
Chapter 38 Summary of High Court Cases   38.1
Chapter 39 Summary of NCLAT cases   39.1
Chapter 40 Summary of NCLT cases   40.1
SECTION VIII: Case Studies
Chapter 41 Case study-Corporate Insolvency Resolution and Liquidation (CIRP)   41.1
Chapter 42 Case study-CIRP and Liquidation   42.1
Chapter 43 Case study-Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process (PPIRP)   43.1
Chapter 44 Case study/Transaction analysis [Individual Insolvency Resolution and Bankruptcy]   44.1
Chapter 45 Case study on Business and General Laws   45.1
Chapter 46 Case study on Business and Professional Ethics   46.1
SECTION IX: Model Question Papers
M. Model Question Papers   M-1
Biographical note

Dr. Rajeev Babel

Company Secretary & Insolvency Professional

Educational Qualification:

FCS, Ph.D., MBA, AIIB, LLB, LLM (Bus. Laws), M. Com

Diploma in Corporate Governance (ICSI)

Diploma in Internal Audit (ICSI-NIFM)

Diploma in Bank Management (IIBF)

Diploma in Financial Services (IIBF)

Diploma in Training & Development (ISTD)

Certificate Course in GST (ICSI-NIFM)

Passed Online Proficiency Self-Assessment Test for Independent Director Conducted by the IICA.

The author is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and an Insolvency Professional registered with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India. He is also an Associate Member of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, Mumbai He had privileged of working for 30 years in banking domain in mana-gerial capacity with Bank of Rajasthan Ltd and ICICI Bank Ltd. Having interest in academic field, he appeared as visiting faculty in various Management Institutes & Professional Institutes.


A Comprehensive Guide to the

Seventh Edition

Complete coverage of syllabus as notified
w.e.f. 1st July, 2023 with more than 5500 MCQs
(updated upto 31st March, 2023)

A Comprehensive Guide to the

Seventh Edition

Complete coverage of syllabus as notified
w.e.f. 1st July, 2023 with more than 5500 MCQs
(updated upto 31st March, 2023)

A Comprehensive Guide to the


Seventh Edition

Complete coverage of syllabus as notified
w.e.f. 1st July, 2023 with more than 5500 MCQs
(updated upto 31st March, 2023)

Dr. Rajeev Babel

FCS & Insolvency Professional

Image:logo is missing

A Comprehensive Guide to the


Seventh Edition

Complete coverage of syllabus as notified
w.e.f. 1st July, 2023 with more than 5500 MCQs
(updated upto 31st March, 2023)

Dr. Rajeev Babel

FCS & Insolvency Professional

Image:logo is missing

© Seventh edition, 2024, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd

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ISBN 978-93-56409-18-7

Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd

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Printed and bound in India by Rajkamal Electric Press, Kundli

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© Seventh edition, 2024, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd

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The content of this book is the sole expression and opinion of its author, andnot of the publisher. The publisher and author in no manner is liable for any opinion or viewsexpressed by the author. While best efforts have been made in preparing thisbook, the publisher makes no representations or warranties of any kind andassumes no liabilities of any kind with respect to the accuracy or completenessof the content and specifically disclaims any implied warranties ofmerchantability or fitness of use for a particular purpose.

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BLOOMSBURY and the Diana logo are trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

ISBN 978-93-56409-18-7

Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd

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Printed and bound in India by Rajkamal Electric Press, Kundli

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About the author

Dr. Rajeev Babel

Company Secretary & Insolvency Professional

Educational Qualification:

FCS, Ph.D., MBA, AIIB, LLB, LLM (Bus. Laws), M. Com

Diploma in Corporate Governance (ICSI)

Diploma in Internal Audit (ICSI-NIFM)

Diploma in Bank Management (IIBF)

Diploma in Financial Services (IIBF)

Diploma in Training & Development (ISTD)

Certificate Course in GST (ICSI-NIFM)


The author is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi and an Insolvency Professional registered with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India. He had privileged of working for 30 years in banking domain in managerial capacity with Bank of Rajasthan Ltd and ICICI Bank Ltd. Having interest in academic field, he appeared as visiting faculty with various Professional & Management Institutes.

Books Authored:

Dr Rajeev Babel has authored the following books:

A Comprehensive Guide to the GST Practitioner’s Examination. Its 3rd Edition was released in October, 2019.

Prevention of Money Laundering: In India and other countries. Released in February, 2019.

Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking. Release in April, 2019.

Handbook for Independent Directors Examination. Its 2nd Edition was released in February, 2022.

Handbook of Non-Banking Financial Companies. Released in October, 2020.

Treatise on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise. Released in June, 2021.

Laws Relating to Intellectual Property Rights in India. Released in December, 2021.

Wealth Creation through Savings, Investments and Growth -Published by Bharat Law House. Released in April, 2023.

Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace – Law & Practice. Released in October, 2023.

Apart from the above books, the author has contributed many articles which have been published in various professional journals.


About the author

Dr. Rajeev Babel

Company Secretary & Insolvency Professional

Educational Qualification:

FCS, Ph.D., MBA, AIIB, LLB, LLM (Bus. Laws), M. Com

Diploma in Corporate Governance (ICSI)

Diploma in Internal Audit (ICSI-NIFM)

Diploma in Bank Management (IIBF)

Diploma in Financial Services (IIBF)

Diploma in Training & Development (ISTD)

Certificate Course in GST (ICSI-NIFM)

FCS, Ph.D., MBA, AIIB, LLB, LLM (Bus. Laws), M. Com

Diploma in Corporate Governance (ICSI)

Diploma in Internal Audit (ICSI-NIFM)

Diploma in Bank Management (IIBF)

Diploma in Financial Services (IIBF)

Diploma in Training & Development (ISTD)

Certificate Course in GST (ICSI-NIFM)


The author is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi and an Insolvency Professional registered with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India. He had privileged of working for 30 years in banking domain in managerial capacity with Bank of Rajasthan Ltd and ICICI Bank Ltd. Having interest in academic field, he appeared as visiting faculty with various Professional & Management Institutes.

Books Authored:

Dr Rajeev Babel has authored the following books:

A Comprehensive Guide to the GST Practitioner’s Examination. Its 3rd Edition was released in October, 2019.

Prevention of Money Laundering: In India and other countries. Released in February, 2019.

Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking. Release in April, 2019.

Handbook for Independent Directors Examination. Its 2nd Edition was released in February, 2022.

Handbook of Non-Banking Financial Companies. Released in October, 2020.

Treatise on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise. Released in June, 2021.

Laws Relating to Intellectual Property Rights in India. Released in December, 2021.

Wealth Creation through Savings, Investments and Growth -Published by Bharat Law House. Released in April, 2023.

Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace – Law & Practice. Released in October, 2023.

A Comprehensive Guide to the GST Practitioner’s Examination. Its 3rd Edition was released in October, 2019.

Prevention of Money Laundering: In India and other countries. Released in February, 2019.

Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking. Release in April, 2019.

Handbook for Independent Directors Examination. Its 2nd Edition was released in February, 2022.

Handbook of Non-Banking Financial Companies. Released in October, 2020.

Treatise on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise. Released in June, 2021.

Laws Relating to Intellectual Property Rights in India. Released in December, 2021.

Wealth Creation through Savings, Investments and Growth -Published by Bharat Law House. Released in April, 2023.

Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace – Law & Practice. Released in October, 2023.

Apart from the above books, the author has contributed many articles which have been published in various professional journals.


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