Accounting under Ind AS  
An Illustrative Manual, 4e
Author(s): CA. Santosh Maller
Published by Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789356406803
Pages: 426




ISBN: 9789356406452   Price: INR 4599.00   

In the corporate world, directors play a crucial role. The Board of Directors collectively undertake the ultimate responsibility for overall governance. The shareholders and other stakeholders place a lot of trust in their directors who are expected to take care of their interests.

A director, whether, young or experienced, enjoys some authority as soon as he or she becomes a director. Directorship is accepted by choice. This book explains the various types of directors, their qualifications, disqualifications, tenure, procedures for appointment, reappointment, retirement, resignation, removal, and other modes of cessation of directorships.

This book lists out the duties and liabilities primarily under the Companies Act and SEBI's Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements. The duties of directors and independent directors, including those of a fiduciary nature, are covered extensively. This book comprehensively covers liabilities of directors too.

Apart from duties of individual directors, collective responsibilities of the board of directors are in addition to their individual duties, whether statutory or by virtue of articles of association or by any contract. Therefore, the Board of Directors as a body must get its acts together and take care of overall governance with a view to protecting the interests of all the stakeholders.

The last chapter of the book deals with lessons and learnings, through several leading cases from across the world as illustration presenting a holistic view and serves as a guidance to directors.

This book will serve a handy guide to every person who is or aspires to be a director, giving them a chance to understand what the law of the country expects from persons holding directorships.


• Types of Directors

• Appointment, Remuneration, Retirement, Resignation, Removal of Directors

• Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Independent Directors

• Powers and collective Responsibilities of Board of Directors

• Case Studies


In the corporate world, directors play a crucial role. The Board of Directors collectively undertake the ultimate responsibility for overall governance. The shareholders and other stakeholders place a lot of trust in their directors who are expected to take care of their interests.

A director, whether, young or experienced, enjoys some authority as soon as he or she becomes a director. Directorship is accepted by choice. This book explains the various types of directors, their qualifications, disqualifications, tenure, procedures for appointment, reappointment, retirement, resignation, removal, and other modes of cessation of directorships.

This book lists out the duties and liabilities primarily under the Companies Act and SEBI's Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements. The duties of directors and independent directors, including those of a fiduciary nature, are covered extensively. This book comprehensively covers liabilities of directors too.

Apart from duties of individual directors, collective responsibilities of the board of directors are in addition to their individual duties, whether statutory or by virtue of articles of association or by any contract. Therefore, the Board of Directors as a body must get its acts together and take care of overall governance with a view to protecting the interests of all the stakeholders.

The last chapter of the book deals with lessons and learnings, through several leading cases from across the world as illustration presenting a holistic view and serves as a guidance to directors.

This book will serve a handy guide to every person who is or aspires to be a director, giving them a chance to understand what the law of the country expects from persons holding directorships.


• Types of Directors

• Appointment, Remuneration, Retirement, Resignation, Removal of Directors

• Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Independent Directors

• Powers and collective Responsibilities of Board of Directors

• Case Studies

Table of contents
About the author   v
Preface   vii
Table of contents   xiii
Chapter 1 Property Plant and Equipment- Ind AS 16   1.3
Chapter 2 Intangible Assets – Ind AS 38   2.1
Chapter 3 Separate Financial Statements – Ind AS 27   3.1
Chapter 4 Investment Properties – Ind AS 40   4.1
Chapter 5 Inventories – Ind AS 2   5.1
Chapter 6 Impairment of Assets – Ind AS 36   6.1
Chapter 7 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets – Ind AS 37   7.1
Chapter 8 Revenue from Contracts with Customers – Ind 115   8.3
Chapter 9 Government Grants – Ind AS 20   9.1
Chapter 10 Leases – Ind AS 116   10.1
Chapter 11 Borrowing Costs – Ind AS 23   11.1
Chapter 12 Foreign Currency Exchange – Ind AS 21   12.1
Chapter 13 Employee Benefits – Ind AS 19   13.1
Chapter 14 Share Based Payments – Ind AS 102   14.1
Chapter 15 Income Taxes – Ind AS 12   15.1
Chapter 16 Financial Instruments: Scope – Ind AS 32   16.3
Chapter 17 Financial Liabilities and Equity   17.1
Chapter 18 Financial Instruments: Classification and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities   18.1
Chapter 19 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Derecognition – Ind AS 109   19.1
Chapter 20 Financial Instruments: Derivatives and Embedded Derivatives   20.1
Chapter 21 Financial Instruments: Hedge Accounting   21.1
Chapter 22 Fair Value Measurement – Ind AS 113   22.1
Chapter 23 Financial Instruments: Presentation and Disclosures – Ind AS 107   23.1
Chapter 24 Presentation of Financial Statements – Ind AS 1   24.3
Chapter 25 Operating Segments – Ind AS 108   25.1
Chapter 26 Non- Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations – Ind AS 105   26.1
Chapter 27 Earnings Per Share – Ind AS 33   27.1
Chapter 28 Cash Flow Statements – Ind AS 7   28.1
Chapter 29 Events Occurring After the Reporting Period – Ind AS 10   29.1
Chapter 30 Interim Financial Reporting – Ind AS 34   30.1
Chapter 31 Related Party Transactions – Ind AS 24   31.1
Chapter 32 Consolidated Financial Statements – Ind AS 110   32.3
Chapter 33 Joint Arrangements – Ind AS 111   33.1
Chapter 34 Consolidation Procedures   34.1
Chapter 35 Consolidation of Associates and Joint Ventures – Ind AS 28   35.1
Chapter 36 Business Combinations – Ind AS 103   36.1
Chapter 37 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities – Ind AS 112   37.1
Chapter 38 First time adoption of Ind AS – Ind AS 101   38.3
Chapter 39 Biological Assets- Ind AS 41   39.1
Chapter 40 Service Concessions Arrangements   40.1
Chapter 41 Insurance Contracts   41.1
Biographical note

CA. Santosh Maller

The author is an Associate Chartered Accountant, having secured rank in CA exams, with about 19 years of extensive experience in Accounting, Audit and Assurance fields. He has worked with several diverse companies, Indian and multinational companies, on IFRS and Ind AS GAAP conversion engagements, in India and over-seas, in manufacturing, telecom, real estate, shipping and logistics. He has been a member of IFRS desk/accounting technical professional practice group of a big audit firm for over 8 years. He has had a stint in London, during which he was closely associated with the IFRS standard-setting projects of the International Accounting Standards Board, such as, revenue, leases and financial instruments.

The author has been serving as a special invitee for Ind-AS on the ICAI’s, Accounting Standards Board and has been part of many study groups of the ICAI. He has authored several media articles on Accounting and Valuation and has been an eminent speaker and technical trainer on financial reporting and corporate gov-ernance. The author has also authored several other books on Ind AS and taxation.

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